The cost of oil addiction

Ignoring Native American Nation’s treaty rights and the health of the people on the path of the black snake, Plains All-American is perpetuating the...

Good ol’ girl network?

I see buried in the political mentionings of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that Our High Priestess in Charge has appointed the wife of a known...

All we need is love

Editor, When I was teaching in Europe, I visited the concentration camp at Dachau, near Munich. The gas chamber was beyond evil! To get there, you...

Great weekend, again

Editor,  Wow! What an amazing Spring Diversity Eureka Springs had last weekend. Thank you to the City of Eureka Springs, office of Mayor Butch Berry, Chamber...

No good deed goes unpunished

Editor, I wish to clarify the ECHO Village water/sewer information reported from the March 25 city council meeting, and respond to those that believe city...

It’s all in the Planning

Editor, I’m new here and have noticed how the Planning Commission meetings have turned into public speaking marathons. Seems like everybody in a neighborhood shows...

The GOP power grab

Once again, the people get the short end of the stick The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act rushed by Congress last...

Beyond fracking

While the world burns Trump declares energy independence The 2019 United Nations Emissions Gap Report confirms what everyone knows. We continue burning fuels and plan...

Voting from experience

Editor, The “good old boy” attitude in Carroll County has gone on way too long. Magnetic Road is a heavily traveled road. It has been...

The Coffee Table

Mi casa your casa When we got married, my wife, an only child, thought how wonderful to gain a big family, even though some spouses...