Another Opinion

The chickens are coming home to roost at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Denial, obfuscation, contrary statements, perverted “scientific” cures, a falsely rosy portrait of US...


Nice Kid

Word salad

In one of his more famous statements, Winston Churchill admitted, “In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words,...

Looking at yesterday

Editor, Television production is crammed full of silliness, sexism, political lies and subtle advertising. In the 1980s, Austin Community Television (ACTV) was home to political activists, musicians, theatre groups,...

ARs not for everybody

Editor, Well, it’s happened again. Columbine, Sandy Hook and now Parkland. When will this end? It won’t! We, the people, are tired of the excuses, platitudes...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, The almost endless, angry braying of opinion submissions to the editor concerning President Trump is quite entertaining. The level of hysteria is as informative...

This is the gospel truth

Editor, Thank you, Eureka Springs for filling the Auditorium Friday, August 2, for the special screening of The Gospel of Eureka and conversation with Walter...

Seeing the forest and the trees

To whom it does concern, To clarify, the crocheted trees were not paid for with city tax funds . They were funded through the Eureka Springs...

Films were poignant

Editor, Immense thanks to Sandy Martin and the AUD staff for an eye-opening, heart twisting series of films focused on Human Rights – and to Hawk...

Defining verbs

Editor, I’m responding to the Guestatorial of Nov.16:  “Abortion doctors rip babies from the mother.” I surmise that Bill is objecting to the verb “rip.”...