Defining verbs



I’m responding to the Guestatorial of Nov.16:  “Abortion doctors rip babies from the mother.” I surmise that Bill is objecting to the verb “rip.” I challenge him to identify a verb – somewhere between “abort” and “rip” that would satisfy his objection. Would Bill’s preferred verb exonerate the loss of 60 million innocent unborn human beings since 1973?

Bill, be a non-partisan fact checker: see for yourself, hear it from their own lips, watch how it’s done. Go to:

After viewing the whole presentation, let us know what verb you pick to describe the abortion procedures you saw.

Is Bill really worried – perhaps about women suffering from a “return to dangerous back alley abortions?” Bill, if you really care – look at the history of legal abortion in America – has it been safe? Do you think that making it legal has made it safe?

More than 213 women have been killed by legal abortion. Life Dynamics, Inc., has documented each death with autopsy reports, medical examiner reports, newspaper accounts and death certificates.

No Bill, it’s not safe – in many ways.

Those citizens like Dan Krotz, who want to voluntarily donate to Planned Parenthood, can.  Those of us who object to PP as the largest single abortion provider in the country and to its profit-taking sales of aborted baby body parts do not want to fund PP at the rate of $1.5 million a day with tax dollars. Sorry.

Kathleen Blossom