Caring for the poor

If a poor family in Arkansas falls on hard times, and no one is around to care, did it really happen? This is a disturbing...

Tiny ticks can cause great strife

Editor, Imagine a world where you have a seemingly invisible sickness, where no one can diagnose what’s wrong with you, they say “you don’t look...

Avoid politics and go to the greenhouse

Editor, Today, Thursday, I made the mistake of listening to the news about the continuing saga of greed and corruption of “our” president and his...

Climate Treason

Traitors betray the trust of those who believe their promises. For too long people in power have willfully ignored the climate experts and the...

Student discipline outsourced to police

Editor, The Eureka Springs School board recently approved a plan to hire a “resource officer.” This fully armed police officer, contracted from the city, will...

‘Buyer’ beware of liberal voters

Editor, I appreciate the opportunity to respond to the Eureka Springs Independent opinion piece of May 9 that came out in support of my primary...

Scandal ruins grant program

Editor, Our current State Rep Bob Ballinger, who is running against State Senator Bryan King for his Republican seat this month, gave $8,500 of our...

Heads up, mums are the best, hands down

Editor,  After overwhelming response, the Bridge of Love (BoL) returned this Mother’s Day Weekend. Families came to Downtown Eureka Springs to celebrate Mom and were...

Reasons to vote for King

A few months ago, I told Bryan King that I planned to endorse him in print. He seemed a little surprised at first. Over...

Freedom from Want

Seventy-seven years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his historic “Four Freedoms” address to Congress, stating everyone has an essential human right to Freedom...