We are the world

Editor, Last week’s “Show the world we are sane” should have been “Show the world we are the same.” I love our community and consider...

Road plans requested

County Judge David Writer, am I correct that you have stated many times that if you do not sign an RUA with Scout,...

Drax pollution

Burning coal is deadly, burning wood pellets is criminal Life is what happens between the first and the last breath. Breathing is not optional. Medical...

Public right to know

Editor, Thank you for exposing Marti Suchsland as the dangerous, gunweilding, extremist willing to kill any trans person she comes in contact with in a...

38-minute alert a wake-up call

Editor, The recent 38-minute alert in Hawaii brought forth valid panic. We have natural laws, God’s laws, Biblical hints and clues, yet 97 percent of the...

Seek professional help

Editor, I have finally gotten up the courage to write my feelings about Mr. Trump. I am convinced he is mentally deranged. I am not...

Greed an acquired taste

Editor, I cannot, for the life of me figure out why the president, his lifelong judicial appointees, and his cabinet seem to be heading toward...

All souls

Editor, My name is Charlette Cook. I am the person who is having a life in spite of the people who would rather I were...

Building on karst

For the past several years, karst has been a frequent topic of conversation in the hills and hollers of Northwest Arkansas, and, whether it’s...

Differences challenge assumptions

Spending the last month in Rishikesh, India, the presence of cows, dogs, red monkeys, and to a lesser extent horses, feral pigs and cats...