On Stage

Say it. Comma-lah. That’s it, although it appears as Camel-la. I’m sympathetic with the quandary, since my own Roman name is difficult. Kamala is...

War on Americans

The American way of life is under attack. This is an internal operation in the hands of a weak president who is afraid of...

Crying for sunlight

Utilities call foul on ruling on solar rate Last Sunday, the Arkansas utilities called foul, saying they are “looking at challenging” the APSC net-metering ruling....

Obstacle course has been cleared

Editor, I am writing in response to the downed communication pole photo in your March 10 edition. Part of the pole, a mass of wires, an...

Covert taxes on Americans

“So, China is devaluing their currency and they’re also pouring money and their currency’s going to hell but they’re also pouring money in and...

Lichen or not

Editor, There are two sides to issues and actions. The May 4, 2022 issue of the ES Independent had a notice on page 4, “Polishing headstones...


Clean electricity is the road to the future   2030 will be here in 10 years and our quality of life depends on what we do...

Welcome, Madam President

Until the election of Donald Trump, I regarded the gradual increase of human rights for all kinds of people in my lifetime as the...



A button down city we’re not

Editor, I would gladly trade Ms. Sloas’s polite porcine pets for the persistently yapping dogs that surround me in my neighborhood. Every few years Eureka goes...