Chickens and carbon emissions

“More chickens, more eggs. More eggs, more cash. More cash, more kilowatt-hours,” Arkansas Light and Power, 1935 But more kilowatt-hours create more carbon emissions unless...


Recently I observed a young family shopping in WalMart, raiding the floor-to ceiling frozen food lockers opposite the produce section. Mom and Dad were...

So long, Mayor Pete

Editor, As a gay man of a certain age who survived the plague, I never thought I would see marriage equality in my lifetime and...

Sharing dog food

Editor, Having been the recipient of the kindness of strangers at a time of dire need, I pay special attention to stories of kindness and...

Generational genocide

The inaction of the old is killing the future of the young Empty words and false solutions from the people with the power to stop...

How to put out a fire

The Democratic primary is suddenly booming frontpage news. The new question is not, “Will the real ant-Trump please stand up?” but, “How do we...

Sonic maneuver questioned

Editor, On February 11, the Eureka Springs Planning Commission approved plans for a Sonic at the corner of 62 & 23 South. This was done...

Polluters getting breaks

Editor, Successful polluters know slow and steady degradation will often go unnoticed until real damage becomes impossible to ignore. So when our country’s National Environmental...

Oligarchy: Government in which power is invested in a few

Editor, Although unusual and even somewhat shocking, there is one oligarch who often speaks truthfully in public: home-grown billionaire Warren Buffett. To quote him: “Sure there...

The high cost of corruption

Editor, If you were up early Monday morning, around 2 a.m., you could watch two corrupt leaders cheer each other with 110,000 other cheerers to...