Dealing with adversity

When times get tough, encourage and support the good, discourage and avoid the bad, and protect the weak and defenseless. Many good deeds done...

Climate justice

“Now is the time to make justice a reality for all.” – MLK, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led the struggle for justice with words...

Natural Climate Solutions

A call to action This is the second part of Rewilding – a natural solution, posted last week, describing the science behind “Natural Climate Solutions”...

Carbon capture and storage

Be kind to the trees, they are busy saving the world Time is running out to avoid breaching the 2° Celsius global warming limit. Trees...

One solution – change our Rep

Editor, Just wondering if anyone noticed that while they were ripping babies out of the arms of their mothers, and Melania was making her fashion...

Response to rigors facing pipelines

Editor, I was pleased to read Mr. Williamson’s letter “Rigors facing pipelines” regarding “Diamond is not a pipeline.” My title was to suggest Diamond...

Letter from the Editor

What?! JRG, As much as we appreciated your clever letter to the editor, and knowing you don’t have a phone and we don’t have a stamp,...


Cover Up

Sonic configuration would cost more than money

Editor, On Sept. 8, the Planning Commission turned down plans for a Sonic at the corner of 62W & 23S. The Arkansas Department of Transportation...

Ba-ba-bing on Spring Fling

Editor, On behalf of the Clear Spring School and the Clear Spring Fling Auction Committee, I thank the Eureka Springs community that so generously supported...