This is how it works

My guess is that many, if not most, Americans don’t really understand how impeachment works, that if a president is impeached, he is simply...

Hold on to your hats

Editor,   In Nicky Boyette’s October 19 article on the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Development, Jacqueline Wolven was quoted as asking why Eureka Springs is...

An Outlook

Break Time People adore Cheetos. It doesn’t matter that they’re high carb, high calorie, impossibly orange and totally hollow. It’s the salty crispness and addictive...

Independent Guestatorial: What to do about that pesky auditorium?

On my first visit to Eureka Springs in 1995 I stumbled upon the city’s auditorium and caught the second half of the Emerson String...

Another Opinion

As a child, I imagined June was my brother’s month — he was born June 18. When I grew up, my wife and I...

The best governors never planned to be governor

Editor, Yesterday my wife and I grabbed the opportunity to meet and chat with Chris Jones. Shaking hands with him, he meets my eye in...

It’ll be warmer on the 4th of July

Editor, We appreciate all of you who came out to be in the coldest, shortest Veterans Day Parade ever. We thank those who made it possible:...

Confederate monuments belong in museums

Editor, I feel obliged to remark on Dan Krotz’s “Pursuit of Happiness” . I’ve always thought Krotz’s writings were smart, but this time I think his...

Slower is safer

Editor, Today the residents on East Mountain are a little safer due to the fast response and dedication of two city aldermen, Bob Thomas and...

Good for the community as a whole

Editor, Socialism for the people: Medicare and Social Security, among others. Trump’s socialism: $127 million of taxpayer money to build a Trump Golf Link in Queens...