High and low

I have submitted this column to the Eureka Springs Independent almost every week for a couple of years. I can address practically anything under...

Confederate Flags on holidays only

Editor, This October the cemetery commission will finally address the fact that Confederate flags continue to fly in our cemetery year ‘round. They’ve been mulling...

Suzie is a living sermon

Editor, In this polarized environment, all of us are accustomed to hearing blatant lies and misrepresentations, but I was saddened to see this level of...

Vote No on Entertainment District

Editor, It is important that citizens of Eureka Springs vote For repeal of Ordinance 2292 and Against Ordinance 2297. Voting For repeal of Ord. 2292 cancels...

Arts and Preservation

Editor, If you moved here in the last 42 years, having been drawn by the unique beauty of Eureka Springs, you have the Historic District...

One World

Think of the whole world as interdependent and of the entire seven billion human beings as one community. His Holiness the Dalai Lama On...

Another Opinion

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the latest explosion in this strange Year 4 of Our Trump. Reading fond obituaries...

Public dialogue on HDC needed

Editor, I’m an outsider. A recent property owner in Eureka Springs and one who fell in love with the quirkiness and uniqueness of this historic...

Preservation is protection

Editor, I moved to Eureka Springs after discovering its charms: Victorian era buildings and houses, narrow winding streets lined with miles of rock retaining walls,...

Questions for Parks

Editor, Thanks to all of you at the Independent newspaper for all of your timely and complete coverage of our important local news without fear...