Coach deserved reinstatement

Editor, I read Mike Ellis’ opinion on Coach Bishop’s discipline by the Green Forest School, and, although I was not a witness to any of...

Neighborhood watch

Editor, I thank our wonderful friends, family, and utility workers for all of the help, support and concern during the recent storms and tornado. A very...

I sent this to Senator Boozman

Why do you continue to avoid your own constituents? You refuse to hold Town Halls and when Arkansas citizens make the effort to come...

Beyond fracking

While the world burns Trump declares energy independence The 2019 United Nations Emissions Gap Report confirms what everyone knows. We continue burning fuels and plan...

Not so fast

Editor, Your April 14 edition recounted a high-speed police chase down Rockhouse Road. An ESPD officer patrolling Hwy. 62E attempted to pull over a driver he...

Independent Guestatorial: Crude Reality

“There’s somethin’ wrong with the world today I don’t know what it is Something’s wrong with our eyes We’re seein’ things in a different way And God knows...



Traffic light better than roundabout

Editor, The mayor and city council have pledged a quarter of a million dollars for a roundabout that we don’t need. They did this without holding...

It’s a dog life

Editor, Thank you, Independent, for being you. I am grateful for your articles and your wisdom. I quote an excellent feminist musician, Carole King, “When I...

Big fun on White Street

Editor, My husband and I visited your wonderful town the week of October 30. We’ve been there several times and always enjoy ourselves, but this...