Politicians are citizens first

Editor, Consider where we might be right now if Donald Trump had been a better leader. We would have had months more preparation time and possibly...

Shot opinion

Editor, We were shocked to read in your January 27 paper that only 19 out of 68 full time employees of Eureka Springs Hospital have...

The collapse of coal

Why burn coal when solar energy is the clean solution?   From mining to consumption to the restoration of the land, the U.S. coal industry is...

The Big Lie

The Washington Post painstakingly chronicled 30,573 lies former president Trump told while in office. The number is staggering, yet the American people seem inured...

Coal deception

Burning coal is not a climate solution Burning coal creates carbon dioxide. These long-lasting emissions block the solar radiation from going back into space as...

For crying out loud

Editor, I cried a river on Inauguration Day for two very different reasons that affect our country. First, I wept for the grief Trump and his...

Cemetery is no place for racist flag

Editor, Thank you, Kathy Attwood , for bringing this subject up; I attended a meeting of the Cemetery Commission last October to speak out against...

Another Opinion

Indian Wars   Imagine if the Indigenous Americans, the peoples we now lump together and call Indians, had won the “Indian Wars” of the 18th and...

Coal addiction

Today is the beginning of a new administration where equality, honesty, and courage will stop the threats to the nation and mitigate the climate...

Global climate call

The Dalai Lama meets Greta Thunberg and calls for action Last Saturday, The Mind and Life Institute live-streamed a conversation on the climate emergency with...