Everything is not going to be OK

The climate emergency is unlike anything we have faced before U.S. climate migration begins. Florida Keys coastal homes are being bulldozed due to rising seas....

Correcting wrongs

Editor, I knew our planet was in trouble, but before I received my issue of Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science of which I...

Dilly! Dilly!

The Boston Globe editorial board asked newspapers across the country to reject Donald Trump’s claims that “the press is the enemy of the people.”...

Mardi Grand

Editor, Many, many, many thank yous and kudos to everyone for stepping up and making all the Eureka Gras events so successful. Huge kudos to Charles...

The Wild Wild West

When I was a kid, we ran and roamed all over our neighborhood. We had one corner lot for baseball, another for football, and...

No tolerance of 45

Editor, The White House spokesperson, Sean Spicer, is speaking for “No. 45” since the president doesn’t seem to be able to explain his tweets to...

‘Feeding the world’ at the peril of the food chain

For those feeling helpless and hopeless about the special interests that seem to have taken over our democracy, remember the right to vote continues...

Independent Guestatorial: Proposed ban on kratom another failure of the war on drugs

A friend alerted me recently to the fact that I could soon be guilty of a felony crime for having a small amount of...

Power of the people

 Editor, Although Arkansas Representative Leding said, “The President won fair and square. There’s no question about that.” Governor Hutchinson, another Republican, said the state would...

Stop screaming and vote

Editor, Two pilots with white canes and guide dogs carefully board an airliner and slowly make their way up the aisle to the cockpit. As...