Independent Guestatorial: Massive methane emissions?

Global warming is overlooked by the Trump administration while the impacts are in plain sight. An iceberg the size of Delaware is expected to...

Super writer

Editor, That was a super letter you printed that Mr. Brenton sent in last week. I’ve never seen those feelings expressed more perfectly. Noelle M. Brannon

Public bathrooms a two-step too far

Editor, A few mornings ago I was on my way to the bus terminal and stopped in a shop to purchase something I get there...

Independent Guestatorial: Who’ll stop the rain?

“Long as I remember the rain been comin’ down Clouds of myst’ry pourin’ confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages tryin’ to find the...


Nice Kid

Drax climate hoax

“Our ambition is to become carbon negative by 2030” At the November 2019 “Capital Markets Day,” Drax stated their ambition, explaining “being carbon negative...

The times they are a’changin’

Editor, The National Weather Service just announced that this month of July was the hottest month in 120,000 years. I truly believe this letter is...



Event a success

Dear community, On behalf of People Helping People, I extend a heartfelt thank you to Jacqueline Wolven, Dee Bright and the Downtown Network Board for...

Crumbs from the kitchen

Eds. Note: Rambling thoughts from a woman who insists she can’t write, but did because she was touched by those who got out in...