Bipartisan hope emerging on climate change

As impeachment proceedings ratchet up the partisan tension in Washington, there’s still hope that progress can be made on the pressing problems of the...

National Security Threats

Some threats are real, and some are worse than others. Last week “national security” was mentioned in different contexts. Sofi, a 3-year-old child taken from...

One problem with two causes

The Syrian Civil War is thought to be the cause of the largest migration of people since World War II. The thousands of desperate...

Be cautious

Editor, Trump, some Republican governors, anxious capitalists, and people who refuse to wear masks or social distance or take Covid-19 seriously in Arkansas are advocating...

Three reasons I don’t miss school

My life could be divided into a half-dozen portions, all related to schooling. First I was too little to go to school, then I...

Reap what you sow

Editor, You watch murder after murder on TV every night, for fun. Drugs are part of your existence, legal or not. “How dare he tell...

And thank you that we’re not all the same

We had a fine Thanksgiving weekend, thanks for asking. Thursday was just family, but our Saturday tradition brings a houseful of friends to conversate,...



All you need is love

Editor, Hey, Jesus People, how can you profess to be Christians while hating everyone in the LGBTQ community and those who support them? If you...

A deer conversation

Editor, My house is surrounded by woods full of deer. Every evening around 6 o’clock they meet down in the trees. “Hey, what do you guys...