Voting changes things

Editor, For many years Northwest Arkansas has suffered the blight of factory farming. These disgusting places stink to high heaven because they pack large numbers...

The Coffee Table

Biden Time I am not the first person to make a pun of Electile Disfunkshun. I hope to help inject a shot of political Viagra...




Deck Chairs

Wake up to exercise

Editor, In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns for ours, our families, and communities’ health, and citizens sequestering themselves at home to remain safe,...

Helpful hint

Editor, If the proposed wind turbines south of Green Forest are built, I feel sorry for the people living in that area who will have...

Vote like you mean it

Editor, If you are in the Kings River precinct your polling place has been moved to Berryville United Methodist Church at 400 Eureka Avenue, adjacent...

Class war is imperialism

Editor, Dan Krotz’s recent social commentary reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut’s A Man Without a Country. The values within Eureka and surroundings are not at all...

Will miss the Chief

Editor, When I heard of Police Chief Thomas Achord’s resignation, I was set aback and had to take a pause and reflect. I truly appreciate what...

Planning for parenthood should be a right

What’s wrong with planned parenthood? It’s opposite is unplanned parenthood. If a child is unplanned, either its conception was accidental, unwanted, unhealthy, or the...