City Ordinances – Helpful or a hindrance?

Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau said, “that government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.” In addition to federal and state...

Public participation requested

A large part of the reason I ran for Eureka Springs City Council was to protect residential districts from unwarranted commercial intrusion. For years...


You know Bill

Love ‘em, don’t leave ‘em

We live on a gravel road, one mile back from the paved road, then four miles to Highway 62 — a right turn to...

Stretch with the animals

Editor, Medical care costs are out of control in the US and this is commonly known. Americans are having knee, hip and shoulder replacements at an...

Cell towers are electric poles redux

NWA Benton County Conservation District will continue to have a small population because land has been acquired over past seven years to build an...

Reaction to who uses which bathrooms

Editor, In response to President Obama’s administration report today concerning guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice regarding transgender identity, and that...

Independent Guestatorial: Diamond Madness

“The greatest disasters we’ve witnessed rarely come from secret or hidden information. Disasters come from freely available information we are willfully blind to.” –...

Compassion trumps criticism

Editor, I hate nasty myths about the poor. Poverty is the fault of those who are poor – too disgusting to respond. Poor people are lazy –...

Independent Guestatorial: We look at the same moon but live in different worlds

“We wholeheartedly support the decision of the administration and commend with the utmost gratitude the courage it took on the part of President Obama,...