Another Opinion

God gave us WHAT??? We hear some wacky things in election years, but Sarah Sanders got my attention with a recent mailing. She pledged to...

Dilly! Dilly!

The Boston Globe editorial board asked newspapers across the country to reject Donald Trump’s claims that “the press is the enemy of the people.”...


Editor, I saw lots of drag queens in town … before, during and after the St. Patrick’s Parade. I didn’t see any of them recruiting...

Make trolleys practical

Editor, As a long-time visitor to Eureka it became quickly obvious that visiting with my wife and 2 kids would be a little expensive. After filling...

Cooking with coronavirus!

I imagine it as a tell-a-vision show, with a celebrity host like Julia Child or Emeril Lagasse. How to dig in your freezer and...

Let’s see some ID

Editor, Apparently America’s unemployment problem has been solved by the Koch brothers’ robot-dolls that dominate so many of our state legislatures. In order to enforce the...

Independent Guestatorial: Speak softly and be kind

“Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” ― J.M. Barry Over 100 years ago, President Theodore Roosevelt gave...

Independent Guestatorial: Now what?

With the election of Donald Trump as president, the United States officially entered the Age of Simulation. In keeping with its historical role as “a...

Beware of divide and conquer

Editor, I had dinner and drinks with some old friends from Nebraska this week. The subject of politics inevitably came up and I had to...

Independent Guestatorial: Enter… the New Dark Ages?

During the decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire the world entered what is known as the Dark Ages. An age of intellectual...