Nice? Us?

Editor. I am a subscriber to your newspaper and I just want to say thank you for the nice little newspaper you have there. I hope...

Mask up

Editor, I looked up synonyms for “beyond stupid:” shortsighted, ill-advised, unintelligent, unthinking, foolish, mean-spirited, and malevolent, to give only a few. I would apply any...

Another Opinion

Indian Wars   Imagine if the Indigenous Americans, the peoples we now lump together and call Indians, had won the “Indian Wars” of the 18th and...

Earth Day’s movement for healthy environment continues with call to action climate

As Americans observe Earth Day (April 22), let’s take a moment to reflect on the power of the grassroots movement behind that first celebration...

On our masthead, an unfurled American flag

We’re all for printing opinions as long as they’re not libelous. We’re enchanted by producing a newspaper every week. We’re blissed when people read...

Simple choices

Editor, Thank you for the striking juxtaposition of two opinion pieces in your last edition. Learning to Care by Dr. Luis Contreras and Shall We...

The other side of the border

“Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair; it should be flexible. With such a policy we can turn to the world, and...

Relating to food

Editor, We have come a long way since EB White’s 1948 piece in the Atlantic entitled “Death of a Pig.” EB White authored the classic...

Pellet bluff

Over time, we got a lot smarter and better. The snake oil types have gotten up and left because they believe there is a...

Vote your best interests

Editor, I think most agree that this election season has been very strange. Never has the process produced two candidates both polled as net unfavorable....