Vote, and vote your conscience

Editor, Thanks to John Rankine for hitting the nail on the head. Any potential vote for Hillary, whether lost to a protest for an alternative candidate or...

Going native

Editor, Thank you for all the advance PR for our event. What fun we had on Saturday! The “growing” (enthusiasm for native plants and their...



Oligarchy: Government in which power is invested in a few

Editor, Although unusual and even somewhat shocking, there is one oligarch who often speaks truthfully in public: home-grown billionaire Warren Buffett. To quote him: “Sure there...

Eliminate one, get two in return

Editor, In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off,...

What I saw and heard

Editor, I notice when drivers make the roads less safe and occasionally I will stop and tell them that someone does care. On Wednesday, February...

Independent Guestatorial: Proposed ban on kratom another failure of the war on drugs

A friend alerted me recently to the fact that I could soon be guilty of a felony crime for having a small amount of...

Kindness begets kindness

Editor, A woman pastor wrote an article in the Unitarian magazine about the difference between “nice” and “kind.” “Nice” is a class term and “kind” applies...

We’re all a little off

Editor,   I am uncomfortable with the idea that our “President” is only crazy. I think his “crazy” is a disservice to anyone who has...

