Ills aren’t new but cures need to be

Miss Bronstein was a regular substitute teacher in my high school. Trotsky’s niece, a short, stout, stern woman, she wore long print dresses that...

Guestatorial: ADH failed Lyme patients

The Arkansas Department of Health had to be dragged kicking and screaming to reluctantly acknowledge there is Lyme disease in the state. ADH was...

Voting is an easy duty

Editor, I had the privilege and pleasure of helping 13 Eureka Springs High School seniors register to vote Friday morning. If you will be 18...

Planning should maintain status quo

Editor, City Council is considering changing the number of members on the Planning Commission from seven to five due to difficulty in maintaining a quorum. The...



Heroes can’t be still

Editor, Sometimes I wake up struggling in the blanket, trying to jump out of the pages of the John LeCarre novel we are living in....

Putting on the dog

Editor, I am writing to say thank you for a local service. I recently had a stray cat show up at my home in the...

Thoughts on income disparity

Editor, After returning from a 3-week, 5000 mile jaunt to Oregon I read T.A. Laughlin’s rich vs. poor tirade on Trump and Abe Lincoln’s party. Through...

Attaboy, ladies

Editor, We loved reading about our “rock star” librarian Loretta Crenshaw – it bodes well for these children in our community that they recognize such...

The Coffee Table

Now is the winter of our discontent, made vainglorious autumn by this son of a trump. (My apologies to William Shakespeare, and to Richard...