Freedom of expression is central

Editor,   Since our election was stolen by the Russians, since my Arkansas vote did not count for anything, since Cheetollini has already been proven to...

Eliminate one, get two in return

Editor, In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off,...

On our masthead, an unfurled American flag

We’re all for printing opinions as long as they’re not libelous. We’re enchanted by producing a newspaper every week. We’re blissed when people read...

Independent Guestatorial: Broken promises

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost, 1923 Taking care of...



Apology demanded

Apology demanded Editor, I am asking for an apology to me and all the rest of the citizens of Eureka Springs for the unpatriotic cartoon on...

Tin Pot dictator

Editor, We had 1000s of hours of investigation over Benghazi. We learned from those hearings that one of the causes of that tragedy was the...

Max Elbo Remembered

Editor, Talented artist and dear friend, how much you will be missed! Oh, the first wave of us hippies in Eureka!  Your art will be enjoyed...


It was electrifying being in the same hall with 2,200 other mostly pissed off constituents, furious and frustrated with our U.S. Senator Tom Cotton...

Independent Guestatorial: Plain lies

“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose” - Pinocchio The Santa Barbara 2015 crude oil spill was no accident....