Doing our jobs

Editor, During the Town Hall meeting for the people of Arkansas in Springdale last night, Senator Tom Cotton wasn’t clear about many things, but he...

A Cup of Thanks

Editor,   We are rejoicing in the Lord, happy to share this great news with all of you! May 1 we signed the papers and gave...

Benefit for few, detriment for many

Editor, Let’s call the “Entertainment District” what it is: permission to publicly drink alcohol downtown on the curvy, steep, slippery, old sidewalks and streets. Streets...

Toss up

Democrats: Where did we go wrong? Last fall, surveys showed Democratic voters were pleased with the range of candidates for nomination for our party’s...

Proper bombing

Editor,    Ordinarily, I am opposed to any form of warfare; however, the Syrian president, educated in the U.S., uses chemicals against his own people. According...

How to put out a fire

The Democratic primary is suddenly booming frontpage news. The new question is not, “Will the real ant-Trump please stand up?” but, “How do we...

If you support one does it make you one?

Editor, I am spending my morning contacting the people and businesses that we do business with to find out if they support Donald Trump. We were...

Philosophy term meaning ‘simpler is better’

Editor, Regarding the article in last week’s paper wherein the mayor mentioned my name, Hitchen’s Razor asserts the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of...

Where it was was special, too

Editor, The Eureka Springs High School extends a huge thank you to the Crescent Hotel for hosting this year’s prom. The Crystal Ballroom was the perfect...

Independent Guestatorial: Wake up calls and tipping points

What does it take to get our attention in this cluttered world? Usually it’s something that hits close to home, such as outsized transmission...