Planning needs access to legal advice

Editor, Example 1: Planning Commission Chair Ann Sallee’s asked Council to Repeal ES Ordinances § 13.04.07. Ord. 13.04.07 states that prior to submitting to Council a...

Dilly! Dilly!

The Boston Globe editorial board asked newspapers across the country to reject Donald Trump’s claims that “the press is the enemy of the people.”...

Follow the money

Editor, Haven’t we all had enough of blustering white alpha males trying to control everything – since the American Indians were living happily on the...

How can one be pro life and anti gun control?

Editor, I want my members of Congress to know that the gun violence in this nation is on them. Them and all who place the...

Criminal behavior in full view

Editor, I have researched information about both the domestic and the foreign sections of the emoluments clause. Interesting, but typically turgid with legalities. According to Black’s Law Dictionary,...

Indie Movie Festival a hit

Editor, I recently attended a swell free event at The Aud: The Human Rights Indie Movie Festival. There were many thought-provoking films, a few sad films, and...

Slowin’ down the Mountain

Editor, Well done, Mayor Berry, for the follow through to make East Mountain Drive a safer street. Well done, councilman Thomas, for your instrumental role and...

Seek professional help

Editor, I have finally gotten up the courage to write my feelings about Mr. Trump. I am convinced he is mentally deranged. I am not...


Buyer's Remorse

Council should help, not hinder

First off, kudos to your reporters for patiently and unbiasedly reporting on our infamous City Council week after week. I am far from alone...