Register, choose, vote

Editor, I want a good-hearted president, not a chest beating, name calling braggart and bully. Both Hillary and her running mate have good hearts. They both work for good. All...

The Arkansas Works Deception

A minefield for low income Arkansans This is about grave threats to our brothers and sisters who did not have the opportunity to get a...

A year that will live in infamy?

Those of us who understand the existential threat posed by climate change have been waiting for the “Pearl Harbor moment” that galvanizes people and...

Lying affects leadership

Editor, It has become obvious to everyone except Dear Leader’s devoted Trumpites that the president has serious psychological problems that affect his ability to be...

Carbon capture and storage

Be kind to the trees, they are busy saving the world Time is running out to avoid breaching the 2° Celsius global warming limit. Trees...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, The almost endless, angry braying of opinion submissions to the editor concerning President Trump is quite entertaining. The level of hysteria is as informative...

Show the world we’re sane

Editor, Another mass shooting in a tourist town in the USA. Another young man committing murders in an LGBT community because he couldn’t tolerate folks just out...

‘The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.’

Editor, Albert Einstein might have been talking about Trump’s followers who stupidly annihilate facts and believe his undeniable lies. They believe Trump will create jobs...

Protect the innocents

Editor, I feel I must respond to the letter about the Good Shepherd Humane Society. As a volunteer at the Eureka Springs thrift store...


Don’t know who first said, “Wherever you is, that’s where you’re at.” The middle of nowhere is a lovely somewhere, and like everywhere we...