Hospital spending more and offering more

Excitement was in the air at the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission meeting Monday night as commissioners accepted the long-awaited operating leadership role for the...

See what we’re offering, tell us what you want

Main Stage Creative Community Center now has a digital projector and a 21-ft screen, and board members will seek community advice about putting that...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Feb. 19-25

Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces 2020 is a retrograde year. In the coming months we will have Mercury, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto retrograde....

ED becomes law without dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s

The final vote of 4-2 Monday night by Eureka Springs City Council approved the third and final reading of Ord. 2292 creating a permanent...

No public input will be allowed at Council-Parks workshop

The Parks Department is still a hot topic, and at the last city council meeting it was determined that there should be a workshop...

Parks auditors’ job commitment shaved by auditors

Chair Bill Featherstone informed Parks commissioners that Windle & Associates withdrew its willingness to perform a 2019 audit of Parks’ financials at a special...

Proposed changes to Historic District Guidelines

Art Installations Art installations should not damage any historic surfaces to which they are secured. Aesthetics and content for public art should be reviewed...

HDC revision in the works

The Historic District Commission will discuss revisions to guidelines at the Feb. 19 meeting. Commissioners held a workshop last week to develop a list...

Moving right along

CAPC commissioners held a special meeting on Monday, Feb. 10 and determined to place Tourism Director Lacey Ekberg on a 90-day contract at which...

Holiday Island courts incorporation again

At the Suburban Improvement District board meeting last Thursday commissioner David Orr read Res. 2020-R3 which supports a vote by the people on the...