Proposed changes to Historic District Guidelines


Art Installations

  1. Art installations should not damage any historic surfaces to which they are secured.
  2. Aesthetics and content for public art should be reviewed by the Eureka Springs Arts Council.


  1. Bridges and railings should be of a style and materials compatible with nearby structures if there are any.
  2. If bridges are located in a rural area, they should be of a rustic nature that blends with the surroundings.

Commercial Decks

  1. Commercial decks and railings should match the style of the existing building and be of a size and location appropriate to the site.
  2. Wood such as cedar, redwood or pressure-treated lumber is the preferred material for new decks visible from the street.
  3. Rooftop decks should be constructed so that they do not damage the roof and have railings of appropriate style for the building and height to Code.
  4. Fences and Walls
  5. Fences of silver chain link, barbed wire, railroad ties, landscape timbers and vinyl are not permitted.
  6. Chain link coated in black or green vinyl may be permitted in rear or side yards.
  7. Fire Escapes
  8. Fire escapes required by the Building Official or Fire Marshal for public safety should be located on secondary or rear façade if possible.
  9. Garages and Carports
  10. New carports and garages should be appropriate to the style of the adjacent or nearby primary structure.
  11. Pre-fabricated metal carports are not permitted.

Manufactured, Mobile and Modular Homes

  1. Manufactured and mobile homes are not permitted in the Historic District by Ord. 1984, Sec. 3, 2005.
  2. Modular homes may be considered for New Construction.


  1. It is preferable that staircases not be added to the front façade of historic building exteriors unless needed for safety and the surrounding terrain prohibits other locations.
  2. Stair railings and gates must be compatible in design and materials with existing railings on the building.


  1. Windows should be preserved in their original location, size and design and with the original materials and numbers of panes whenever possible.
  2. Windows should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. If replacement is necessary due to demonstrated severe deterioration, the replacement should match the original in material and design as closely as possible.
  3. Non-original windows should not be added to primary façades or secondary façades of historic buildings where readily visible. Windows added to a historic building must match original windows in materials, size, design and scale.