Chaos is hungry now

Editor, In 2015 and 2016 Bill Gates was lecturing at Harvard and other places about an upcoming pandemic. He told the audiences, “If we act...

HDC an asset to homeowners

Editor, When the HDC issue comes up on the Nov. 3 ballot, I hope voters are aware of how valuable a tool the HDC is for...

Budget deception tactics

Editor, As happens every year, it is time for Holiday Island to set next year’s budget. Every year every department submits a “wish list” full...

Be a Friend to the library

Editor, First, I thank all of you who support and patronize the Carnegie Public Library! It meant so much to me when I was director...

ECHOing through the hills

Editor, It is apparent that many in the area have misconceptions of what ECHO Village is. Having come to the project well into construction I am...

On the record

Editor, As a patient of Dr. Christopher Baranyk, concerns about continuing with his care were addressed when I learned each person must go to the...

Violence against women

Editor,   Every hour of the day a female is being killed by a male in our country. I’ve asked myself what is it with men’s...

Forever mothers

Editor, Last Saturday I must have noticed on TV and radio at least five sales pitches using Mother’s Day to sell something. Late in the...

Thanks from the border

Editor, I am in receipt of a nice letter from the Lawyers for Good Government Foundation for whom I, and many kind people in Eureka Springs, raised money...

Mandatory masks not so much

Editor, I was getting gasoline for my car the other day, in Berryville at a Fast Git ‘Em store, when I observed no customers wearing...