Silver Tea boosts The Purple Flower

Editor, St. James Episcopal Church thanks the citizens of Carroll County for their charitable spirits supporting the Silver Tea and its 2017 sponsored charity, The...

Republicans in a dilemma

Editor, I voted for Bernie in the Arkansas primary because his proposals are absolutely necessary for a progressive nation; however, with Hillary winning the most...

Look me in the eyes

Editor, Why doesn’t not wearing a mask be considered indecent exposure? I’d rather have people wearing a mask and walking around naked. Bob King

Abuse of public trust

 Editor,              Milosevic and his family embezzled billions from the public money and he was responsible for mass murders in the Yugoslav Wars. He was...

Atheists should celebrate the nativity, too

Editor, Reacting to complaints, Eureka Springs Mayor Butch Barry recently canceled the traditional Nativity display  in Basin Springs Park. After a firestorm of protest in support of...

HDC made the wrong decision

Editor, I was saddened by the negative vote of the Historical District Commission’s October 6 meeting regarding completed renovations on 22 Pine Street. Its front porch...

Transparency is key

Editor, I understand the principles behind some council members’ reluctance to get involved with or guide civil organizations in order to better serve the community...

Folk Festival – Route 358

Editor, I first saw Route 358, a 4-piece acoustic string band, at the Folk Festival (2017) at Basin Park in Eureka Springs. I liked how...

You all helped this happen

Editor, We thank all of our friends and customers for financial support and prayers during our fight with cancer. Maria had a double mastectomy two...

Good for everybody would be good

Editor, I’m a dreamer. Imagine a town built around the healing arts, a town which fosters rest, relaxation, renewal and rejuvenation, all in a peaceful, quiet...