Hope springs up

Dear Eureka Springs, On behalf of myself and my campaign staff (me!), I want to thank you, the citizens of Eureka Springs, for electing me...

Response to rigors facing pipelines

Editor, I was pleased to read Mr. Williamson’s letter “Rigors facing pipelines” regarding “Diamond is not a pipeline.” My title was to suggest Diamond...

Voting is simple

Editor, In this divisive political time there is something positive you can do – register to vote. Yes! It does make a difference. There are...

Why are we not voting?

Editor, “If your vote didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be working so hard to take it away from you. You want a better nation, be better...

Protect the innocents

Editor, I feel I must respond to the letter about the Good Shepherd Humane Society. As a volunteer at the Eureka Springs thrift store...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, For the angry white man in the pick-up truck who refused to back up 30-35 feet on the Beaver Bridge last Saturday… thus forcing...

Creep it real

Editor, Halloween is upon us again and the White Street Candy Bank is open for business and accepting donations. Last year the Candy Bank accepted...

Obama’s retirement plans?

Editor, If Obama attempts to step into the position as head of the United Nations next year, an oil company, a chicken processor and a...

Raise the wage

Editor, $15 an hour is a gross pay; the net pay is usually 30% less or $10.50 per hour. Which for a fulltime worker is...

Mardi Grand

Editor, Many, many, many thank yous and kudos to everyone for stepping up and making all the Eureka Gras events so successful. Huge kudos to Charles...