An opinion about an opinion

Editor, The letter to the editor titled “Code enforcement is Haphazard,” is the opinion of one B&B owner and needs to be recognized as not...

Setting things straight

Editor, The recent article in the Eureka Springs Independent in which a Eureka Springs council person called the CAPC “deplorable” in the handling of promotion...

Politicians are citizens first

Editor, Consider where we might be right now if Donald Trump had been a better leader. We would have had months more preparation time and possibly...

ESPD took good care of volatile situation

Editor, My name is Addison Everett and I am a pastor with the Church of God. I write to offer our praises for the Eureka Springs Police Department.  Our...

Top This!

The Ozark National Rain Forest is no place for a leaky roof. The house I have lived in for 40 years on Vaughn Street...

Help those who help

Editor, Those of you who have not heard of the Unconditional Love Pet Rescue may be unaware of a fine animal rescue facility in the...

The Joy of Teaching

Editor, I really enjoyed my time as a volunteer at Eureka Springs Elementary School this past year, and I thank the students and staff who...

How dumb is hatred?

Editor, I have a question for white Americans. How many times have you been the target of racial hatred? I am a white 68-year-old man. Three...

Gratitude and resistance

Editor, I, too often, get down because I live in a growing Fascist society led by a corrupt president. But today, Sunday, March 24, I...

Corporate transgressions

Editor, We are now experiencing, in the U.S., the near completion of a corporate coup, roughly 50 years in its construction: a takeover by our...