Buffalo 3 thankful for supporters

Editor, The Ozark River Stewards were overwhelmed by the generous support at their recent fundraiser to help with legal fees for the three grandmothers who...

Good ESH experience

Editor, I was a patient at our lovely hospital this weekend following a traumatic event and injuries. While there I was given the best care I’ve had...

The lull in nice

Editor, Ah, the sweet sound of no Harley bikers in town. I never thought that in 14 years of calling Eureka Springs home that I would...

Veterans showered with thanks

Editor, Once again, for the seventh year in a row, Eureka Springs has honored all our country’s veterans with several events that started with the...

Calling it illegal

Editor, Instead of calling Trump the same names he calls us, let’s go with two names that are true and factual, and also describe his...

Dear ES Independent

We love you! Let us count the ways... starting with the front page and the Independent thinkers (this always cheers our hearts saddened by the...

A different way to look at hoarding

Editor, Until the recent election I would have said I was bullet proof when it came to politics – that nothing could surprise or further...

Times, they are a changin’

Editor, I wish to correct this gentleman. He refers to the outdated, homophobic classification of homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association as “a mental disorder.”...

The Joy of Teaching

Editor, I really enjoyed my time as a volunteer at Eureka Springs Elementary School this past year, and I thank the students and staff who...

Correcting wrongs

Editor, I knew our planet was in trouble, but before I received my issue of Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science of which I...