Education is key

Editor, This is my reaction to the sweet and compassionate Christian lady who wrote a letter last week about who uses which bathrooms. First, transgender people...

Open letter to the Chamber

Editor, For future reference, if you offer a rain date for “Yards and Yards of Yard Sales and the forecast guarantees rain, you move everybody...

Tending the cemetery

Editor, Not only does our cemetery have natural beauty, it has 2 groundskeepers who work very hard to keep it that way and improve the...

History still repeating

Editor,        Malcom X, the Black Nationalist, said, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s...

Same amount of time, different ways to spend it

Editor, Hillary Rodham Clinton has spent her entire life, since and including her teenage years, helping people. Donald Trump spent the exact same time period hanging...

Voting is how we change things

Editor, When my wife and I moved to Carroll County in 1987 I asked a local where the county dump was located and was told...

Womack must go

Editor, Having attended four of Steve Womack’s town hall meetings and communicating with his offices daily, I cannot justify him serving another term. In all...

Little Rock Saturday night

Editor, Gov. Hutchinson has declared Saturday, Sept. 7 Cheryl Maples Memorial Day. People will gather at 8 p.m. at the State Capitol in Little Rock...

Think this through

Thank you so much for the continued coverage of the Scout/Nimbus wind farm project. And thanks to the opponents for sticking with their research...

5 lb. dog runs 5K – another tribute to Don Gammie

Editor, On Thanksgiving Day, a very successful Ninth Annual Don Gammie Turkey Trot was held at Lake Leatherwood Park. We were thrilled to see so many...