Biden time in land of the free

Editor, My name is Ruth Jones and I live at 32 Owen Street in Eureka. I have a Biden sign and BLM in my yard, and...

Replace the flag

Editor, Doesn’t anybody else see that old ragged tor flag flying atop Planer Hill parking lot? I thought that old torn flags of any kind...

Customers prefer compliance

Editor, We have been customers of Rockin’ Pig since they opened and have always enjoyed their food. On July 30, I picked up To Go food...

Please fix the road

Judge Barr and County Road Foreman Kelly, I’m a 23-year resident of Mill Hollow requesting that you grade Spring Valley Road in Harvey Estates Subdivision. ...

Getting it straight

Editor, It seems that freedom of speech means if you take a knee during the National Anthem, you will pay the consequences; but please feel...

Wake up to exercise

Editor, In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns for ours, our families, and communities’ health, and citizens sequestering themselves at home to remain safe,...

To the Eureka Springs School District

Editor, Concerning the provided District Learning Model for the 2020/2021 school year, I believe that as our children’s educators, it would be wise to provide...

Wear it out

Editor, Margaret Atwood said, “Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” I was told Rogers made wearing masks mandatory. I...

All health needs to be addressed

Editor, I cannot believe there are no professional people, mainly doctors, who have not called out the president’s behavior during the coronavirus. If these people...

Voting is how we change things

Editor, When my wife and I moved to Carroll County in 1987 I asked a local where the county dump was located and was told...