Thinking and thanking

Editor, I find it a daily grind to believe in American democracy when “The President” appoints proud homophobes to cabinet positions, Alabama Republicons refuse to...

Clinic conduct questioned

Editor, The Washington Regional Clinic on Passion Play Rd. had chosen to employ unvaccinated staff, thereby endangering those us us who have recently gone there...

Council decision regrettable

Editor, Concerning the Independent’s article, “New B&Bs on suspension” (June 29), I lament the Eureka Springs City Council’s lack of basic fairness in banning future...

Beware of divide and conquer

Editor, I had dinner and drinks with some old friends from Nebraska this week. The subject of politics inevitably came up and I had to...

Solar power – problem or solution?

Editor, Last week’s article on climate change made it clear that business-as-usual is not an option. However, a number of people were especially disturbed by...

Staying informed

Editor, My husband and I love our Holiday Island house and have many close friends here. When the subject of incorporation came up, we researched...

In support of the community center

Editor, You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t, particularly if you are part of the business community and are trying to...

Due diligence circumvented

Editor, At the Oct. 17, 2017, meeting of the Parks Commission, Bill Featherstone, the commission’s chairman, said, “To not fully assess our inventory at Leatherwood...

Lane House marchers wanted

Editor, Attention all Lane House alumni, parents, teachers, board members, supporters – come march with us on May 6 at 1:30 for the Artrageous Parade...

QC could ease housing shortage

Editor, What better group to address Carroll County’s dire housing need than the Quorum Court? Yet, when Suzie and Dan Bell appeared before them recently about...