The Coffee Table

Orphan on Vacation I am an orphan. Mom passed away on Saturday. It wasn’t a shock. Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 11 years ago, she’d been progressively losing...

The Pursuit of Happiness

For obvious reasons, I have been re-reading William L. Shirer’s book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Summarily, Hitler is a national...


I hope everybody had a wonderful week with this wonderful weather. You can’t ask for any better. The fish like these temperatures and have...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The United Methodist Church isn’t united anymore. Methodist Bishops presented a “One Church Plan” at a special conference two weeks ago that allowed local...

Dropping a Line

Well, if you look close on the table you will see the $30 off show special which we are going to run until Halloween...

The Coffee Table

The problem with mental health Last week I suggested that remaining silent in the face of racism signifies complicity. Today I ponder whether, by doing nothing,...

The Dirt on Nicky

In summer, there’s squash I grew up among peers who called them “squushes” and aunts who called them “squarshes,” and it seems the only summer...

Duty to vote being repressed

This week, newly minted co-chair of Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission, controversial Secretary of State of Kansas Kris Kobach, sent letters to all 50 Secretaries...

The Dirt on Nicky

Top ten vegetable stories of last year Results are in for the top ten vegetable stories of the past year. There was no rancorous debate,...

The Coffee Table

Hot House Blues I don’t want to be one of those people who say, “When I was your age… ”   then proceed to give hyperbolic...