The Coffee Table

Superpower Envy Well past my physical prime, I’m enchanted by the superpowers of others. Mostly the non-human beings in my life. My canine roommate—and best friend—can obviously...

The Dirt on Nicky

How I got my tiny tomatoes Near the bottom of a wooded hillside was a modest hut, fashionable for its time, beside a small creek...


National treasures are as enchanting and novel as Route 66, moon rocks, the Grand Canyon, Tabor Opera House and The Delta Queen. A national...


Remember when we were kids and in September when school started we had to write about what we had done on our summer vacation?...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz My wife and I bought a new car as a Christmas gift to each other for the next 10 years, or 200,000...

The Nature of Eureka

Surprise! Wake up and smell the roses is a phrase that transforms in my mind to slow down and look at the flowers. It’s easy...


The weather is still going strong and beautiful. With the cooler temperatures it perfect time to head out on a fishing adventure with your...


Well, isn’t this a dilemma? We all need to make money. We all want to stay healthy. Suddenly, both are in jeopardy. Should Carroll County...

Dropping a Line

This here is Ernest and Sharon Dudley with the big fish being what I call a wall hanger at 31pounds and a length of...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Since the George W. Bush administration at least 100 strangers have approached me and said, “You look just like Dick Cheney!” Fast forward to...