Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

I occasionally experience erectile dysfunction. Viagra works but I’m only 45 and don’t want to depend on medicine. What else can I do to...


Much of what we love about our lives has been halted, and that made us wonder what is more important now than it was...


“If you can’t stop smoking, learn to play the clarinet,” she said to no one in particular. “It’s like God gave us tools for...


FAYETTEVILLE – Arkansas improved its chances for one of the top defensive prospects in the nation when Vernon Broughton of Houston (Texas) Cy Ridge...

Art Attack

John Rankine - Me, myself and I are back and were asked to write commentary on the May Festival of the Arts, Eureka Springs’...

Dropping a Line

Well, the weather sure pulled one over on us last week. Had only two fishing trips scheduled and both decided to choose another date...

The Dirt on Nicky

Seeds of Community This is the time of year when ardent gardeners, me included, are tempted to save seeds from every kind of tomato and...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Shania Clifford is a high school junior and SkillsUSA masonry student who won the gold medal in Ohio’s Skills USA competition by 72 points. “She...

The Dirt on Nicky

The lipstick story The early 2000s seem so peaceful in retrospect. Weren’t we less divided back then? Oh well, now is our chance to refocus...

The Dirt on Nicky

Blackberries vs. vampires   Do you have dirt under your fingernails? It’s okay if you do. Squeamish naifs from Beverly Hills might blame your dysgenic heritage,...