The Dirt on Nicky

The ABCs of NPK First for me was ABCs, then BVDs. Next, in my first at bat in little league, it was HBP (squarely on...


Good day folks. I got to fish Kings River for myself after helping Doug River Man Allen with his wonderful classes for children to learn...


Don`t let this cooler weather scare you off. “Never bad weather, just bad clothing,” an outfitter told me long years ago. Stripers are fair/good depending on...

The Coffee Table

Cereal Business I am a serial cereal eater, seriously! I eat like a bird. Sometimes people say you eat like a bird to indicate that you hardly...

The Dirt on Nicky

If you want to plan a garden It’s the middle of January but not yet the middle of winter. Some gardeners choose frosty days like...

Gardening with Nicky

It’s probably astrological that some gardeners prefer a daring variety of plants in their gardens and some will accept only a mid-size red tomato...


Fishing is great everywhere you just have to get out there. Weather is shaping up nicely, hoping that Wednesday will be the same. There is...

Dropping a Line

So far today, Tuesday, we’ve got an 18-in. smallmouth, a smaller smallmouth, a spotted bass and a striper, all caught about 18 ft. deep...

Early Days at Eureka Springs

It must have been that families moved so often from one house to another searching for a better house, or one in better repair....

Living on a Pearl

I heard William Shatner on NPR recently. You know, Captain Kirk. From Star Trek.   The brief interview was apparently inspired by Shatner’s having penned a...