Exploring the Fine Art of Romance


I occasionally experience erectile dysfunction. Viagra works but I’m only 45 and don’t want to depend on medicine. What else can I do to prevent this problem or at least keep it from getting worse?

Great question. Especially since 75% of men who experience the Failure-To-Launch phenomenon are too embarrassed to ask. ED is not uncommon, affecting approximately 40% of men under 40 and increasing to 70% of men in their 70s. Yet the idea that ED is a normal part of the aging process is just that, an idea. It’s a myth, don’t accept it.

The extent to which your physical health deteriorates equals the extent to which your sexual health will deteriorate. Instead of blaming it on aging, take a good look at your lifestyle choices, particularly about fitness and nutrition.

Not this again, you say. Like it or not, our culture is in the midst of a true health crisis. And yes, all erections are at risk.

Obesity and over dependence on pharmaceuticals is killing us and our sex lives, too. Millions benefit from medications that treat life-long illnesses like Diabetes Type 1, asthma, depression and various hormone disorders. Each of these illnesses is infinitely more successfully managed when paired with a healthy nutrition and fitness plan.

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are the biggest culprits when it comes to ED. Yet we’re steadily couching, eating, drinking and smoking our way right into cardiac arrest and Type 2 Diabetes.

Heed the warning. ED may be the first sign of future cardiac or metabolic disease. Maybe you’re just a little overweight, your meals are more about comfort than stealth, your cholesterol’s sneaking up and your fitness preference is high intensity intervals of sports viewing and beer drinking.

Viagra or Cialis? Either can get you there but neither is a forever endeavor. Cleaning up your diet and getting seriously fit can end your erectile woes altogether.

Adopt a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean meats. Men who increased their intake of flavonoid-rich foods like strawberries, blueberries, wine and citrus products reduced their risk of ED by 21%.

Men who walked 30 minutes per day decreased their risk of ED by 40%. Thirty to 60 minutes of vigorous exercise improved sexual function significantly more. Too busy, you say? Not in the bedroom…