
Tell you what, there’s a silver lining in this dark cloud full of submicroscopic infectious matter that’s hanging over the world. Silver linings around clouds...


Hope your week went well. As for me, it went well, I got to catch some fish this week, got my fix. Just being...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The President and the Grand Old Party (GOP), informs us that they’ll have a new healthcare plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...

The Nature of Eureka

Earth to Humans, Earth to Humans. Come in. I saw the first firefly of the season on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, April 22,...

The Dirt on Nicky

What every garden needs First of all, we should narrow down what “needs” we will discuss. Gardens are different, and so are gardeners. We will...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 19 – 25, 2024

Sun in Cancer – Summer’s Gate Opens (Northern Latitudes) The Sun enters Cancer Thursday, June 20 and it’s summer solstice (northern latitudes)! Summer begins when...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The submission deadline for this piece comes before knowing who our next President will be, but I’m nearly past the point of caring at...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - Feelings of sadness and embarrassment dueled one another on Inauguration Day. While I could say much about those feelings, even...


It’s the 30th anniversary of the Eureka Springs May Festival of the Arts and the city, artists and private individuals are stepping up. Unlike...

Dropping a Line

Part 2 Current lures On the top right you have my favorite, the white rooster tail next to the chrome kastmaster spoon. These are both...