The Dirt on Nicky

Beans on the bushes This time of year there are beans on the bushes, so all’s right with the world. The Baker Creek seed catalog...


FAYETTEVILLE – After a couple of quieter weeks on the football recruiting front, Chad Morris and his staff will welcome a few of their...


Motorcycles were a really fast deal last weekend. Emails complaining about noise had no beginning and no end. They were silent, as emails are,...


FAYETTEVILLE – Before taking the head coaching job at Arkansas, Eric Musselman made Nevada a desired destination for players looking for a fresh start...

The Coffee Table

Glimpsing Disability — Part 2 After a racquetball injury left me fending for myself on one leg—hobbling around on a four-wheeled walker—the plants on my...

The Dirt on Nicky

The good, the bad and the comfrey H.E. Kirschner’s thin book Nature’s Healing Grasses contains 71 pages of his observations about a dozen “wayside weeds”...

Dropping a Line

Christopher Carroll from Virginia Beach, Va., put a nice striper in the boat this week, close to 20 lbs. at 34 inches long. We...

The Coffee Table

Fine Line Like Fine Wine When concluding one’s shopping at Wallie-World, I think the average shopper’s instinct is to head for the shortest checkout line,...


Last year when people started working from home, air quality all over the planet improved because w didn’t start our cars and keep them...

The Dirt on Nicky

Resurgence, rehab, reflection To water your garden adequately, your mind must be clear. Some folks claim your mind will be clearer if first you wash...