
The dog days of summer are a 40-day period from July 3 –August 11. It is at this time the dog star, Sirius, rises...

Hall Closets

Well, ‘tis hot as hades here in the Natural State with copious amounts of dust and leaves all around – welcome to the dog...

Hall Closets

In 1996 I finally had enough of higher education, so I dropped outta graduate school and entered the working world. The Northwest Arkansas Times...

Hall Closets

Yesterday, while perusing the Sunday edition of the Arkansas Demozette (guess the Gazcrat sounded too Russian) and gleaning the latest and most crucial topics...

American Insights

A Perennial Choice “America wept tonight, not alone for its dead young President, but for itself,” the journalist James Reston wrote in a special to...

Hall Closets

We did not come here to paint! This was Bobby Petrino’s motto and reply nearly 13 years ago when asked late in the game by...

Hall Closets

Passionate baseball fans from all over the globe traveled to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania last week to cheer on prized pre-teens in the 58th...