The Pursuit of Happiness

I don’t pay too much attention to what people say until I’ve observed how they think and behave. Political candidates – like our own...

The Nature of Eureka

White wildflower has a dark past On October 5, 1818, Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, died from the “milk sickness” a perplexing fatal disease...


FAYETTEVILLE – A 1-5 start to the Chad Morris era was not what fans had hoped for, but the Razorback faithful have plenty of...

Free Parking

Sorry Toots, Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court may feel like a personal betrayal by your country; but your distress is a Republicon...

Dropping a Line

Now that’s what I call a good store bought bait. Golden Shiner. What we call brooders, which should be 4 inches and up, not...

Free Parking

I am a woman. I hold up half the sky for the world is seen through my eyes. Toltec fragment. We hear about women being...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Since the George W. Bush administration at least 100 strangers have approached me and said, “You look just like Dick Cheney!” Fast forward to...


FAYETTEVILLE – Despite a 1-4 record to start his first season as Arkansas’ head coach, Chad Morris continues to stock up on key commitments...

Dropping a Line

Thought this would be a good column to talk a bit of what are some of the new ways to get fish to come...

Free Parking

Give them bread and circuses, the peasants will never revolt. – Juvenal 1st Century Roman Poet Our history is presented to us every day in...