The Pursuit of Happiness


I don’t pay too much attention to what people say until I’ve observed how they think and behave. Political candidates – like our own Harlan Breaux, who’s running for Representative in District 97 – often say that they’re Christians. But what does that mean? Among the 9,000 to 51,000 Christian denominations – the approximate number depends on who’s counting – sanctioned behaviors run the gamut from one wife and one wife only to the series of sweeter greener maids approved by Episcopalians like John Updike and John Cheever. Where does Breaux fall on the bell curve?

It’s a fair question since Breaux has made Christianity – rather than an issue specific to District 97 – the centerpiece of his campaign. So, is he the sort of Christian who wants – and needs – to manage everything that goes on in your pants? Or, is he a Christian in the mold of Mother Theresa, that annoying exemplar of the Beatitudes?

An explanation is necessary because what Breaux thinks will guide how he legislatively behaves, and consequently, how we’re required to behave under any laws and policies he sponsors. It’s a reasonable question any voter should ask and it isn’t remotely partisan.

Breaux’s opponent, Gary Morris, is also a practicing Christian, but unlike Breaux, Morris has comprehensively detailed positions on how to support local and volunteer fire departments, how to address the critical shortage of doctors in our rural communities, and how to assure that we have the broadband capabilities necessary to attract new businesses and support our medical and educational systems. And unlike Breaux, Morris has promised not to take your tax dollars and gift them to cronies outside District 97, like Breaux’s colleague Bob Ballinger did in the Ecclesia College mess.

Breaux and Morris both strongly support the 2nd Amendment – that all determining issue for many Arkansas voters. But Morris seems to understand, unlike Breaux, that the US Constitution has other and various amendments that are not simply exasperating suggestions. Breaux may wish to review the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment for the purpose of understanding that, while he is certainly free to practice his religion, he is not free to impose it on others.


  1. The writer asks reasonable questions, although I believe he could have expanded on these. “What does it mean to be a Christian?” is a good question in today.s world in particular. There seems to be wide variety of thoughts and actions regarding this. An override question for everyone is, “Does the end justify the means?’ In other words is behavior based on Christian values important or is the achievement of a goal, i.e. getting elected or staying in office, the only thing that is important.

  2. In reference to your scathing of Harlan Beraux, Oct. 10th. I am Al Pryor , pastor of Kings Hill Pioneer Church. I know Harlan personally and he is the real deal concerning his faith in Christ. As a Christian and a Gideon he puts Christ first always and seeks guidance of Him always. Your attack on Harlan is typical of Democrat tactics. Making Christ the centerpiece of his campaign is to his credit as did the great majority of our founding fathers. To have any leader be guided by Christ in their legislative behavior can only be hoped and prayed for.
    Here is a quote by our first Supreme Court Justice. John Jay – First Chief-Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty – as well as privilege and interest – of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers”.
    For you to do your best to discredit a man because of his faith in Christ is despicable. For you to say this attempt to discredit Harlan is not partisan is laughable.
    I do not know Harlan’s opponent. It is a great thing to have two Christians seeking the same office. Some peace and assurance in that. All I can hope for is, may the man Christ wants in office win.
    Al Pryor

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