Art and energy and how you look at it

Editor,    How can freedom-loving Democrats, liberals, tree-huggers, animal lovers who believed in the possibilities of a fair and just United States government survive votes being...

Food fills people

Editor, A Cup of Love Ministry thanks the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 36 in Holiday Island for the truck full of food. These wonderful ladies...

All we need is love

Editor,   Kudos to Blake Lasater for his letter to this newspaper last week! When he speaks of reading the Bible through the lens of Love,...

Graves for sale

Editor, Memorial weekend was alive and well at the ES Cemetery. Cookies and lemonade served with flags flying everywhere. Turnout is estimated at 500-600 people....

Return of the swamp creature

Editor, In the fetid swamp of the White House, there lives a three-headed congress monster, vicious and evil. This serpent with poisonous blood has been...

Time for a change

The steaming mess in our nation’s capital demonstrates all the worst features of the two-party system. Discussions and debates come down to one single...

Vex Appeal

Editor, When trying to understand Trump’s success, we would do well to remember that his madly bombastic, bellicose ravings appeal to some American voters, presumably...

Trails need Planning

Editor, City Council’s endorsement of new trails in Lake Leatherwood Park certainly reflects a broad community support for vitalizing our local economy while enhancing our...

Seeds sow impurities

Editor, Someone donated watermelon, squash, corn, beans, pumpkin seeds to me that are horridly, as it turns out, all treated and toxic to pollinators and...

‘Tis the season of solutions

Editor, I may be a bit slow, uneducated, or just plain stupid, but I believe a business labeled or licensed as a “bed & breakfast”...