Season of giving

Editor,      On December 5th I drove my disabled daughter to SunFest grocery store to do her monthly shopping. In an effort not to...

Including those affected

Editor, Imagine how many more booths and how festive the Christmas Night Market would have been if local merchants, artisans, craftspeople and entertainers would have...

No Moore Roy

Editor, Yes, all the allegations against Roy Moore are disgusting and no, it’s not fake news. I believe the two policemen who verified that he...

Supporting solar and clean energy

Editor, We are so grateful for Pat Costner, Faith and Michael Shah and all those who testified before the Arkansas Public Service Commission in support...

Why would Trump dedicate Civil Rights Museum?

Editor, I am so utterly disgusted with the news that “The President” is going to my birthplace of Jackson, Mississippi, to dedicate a Civil Rights...

Oil addiction

Promoting fossil fuels, blocking the use of clean energy, selling our national monuments and treasures, taking tribal lands, and using mercenary forces to stop...

Benefits of meeting at community center

Our city council is looking for space for all city meetings. They considered remodeling a downtown fire station even though the meetings there would be...

Diamond is not ready for prime time

How many lives per barrel? Pipelines have different meanings. Plains All American sees pipelines as assets, part of their infrastructure connecting frackers and crackers with...

Cotton should be baled

Dear Tom Cotton, “We’re now one step closer to fulfilling our promise to grant much-needed tax relief to America’s working families.” That’s what it says on...

City should benefit

Editor, Are the 30 tents that are going to bring 1000 people going to pay the city sales tax like all the shops do? The...