Independent Guestatorial: If we’d done this is 2006 it would be finished now

There is a lot of discussion about the 1% sales tax proposed to rebuild the infrastructure and to repay the $800K that has been...

You just never know when you’ll need to land

Editor, The following is an actual incident that occurred Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018. The location was Carroll County Airport, Berryville, Ark., Airport designator K4M1. At approximately...

We’ll get you to the booth

Editor, The Eureka Springs for Hillary group is offering to help anyone obtain, fill out and deliver an Arkansas Voter Registration form. We will bring...



Put parking lots where they belong

Here we go again. Recurring controversies and resurrection of bad ideas in Eureka Springs are like the life cycles of various species of cicadas;...

Being active saves democracy

Editor, Total gratitude for Vietnam vet Gerry Fonseca being a model of what we should all be doing – speaking out. As the widow of a...

Cooperation is key

Editor, I think in a world-wide emergency like we are living through, everyone should be working for the collective good – even it means doing...

Resistance to evil

Editor, The word live spelled backwards becomes evil. When we turn our backs on life in all its myriad forms, we invite evil into our...

Need some space

Editor, My grandmother rented a falling-down Southern mansion in Jackson, Mississippi, so she could create a boardinghouse for workers – β€œAll you can eat for...


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