Need some space

Editor, My grandmother rented a falling-down Southern mansion in Jackson, Mississippi, so she could create a boardinghouse for workers – “All you can eat for...

Voting is an easy duty

Editor, I had the privilege and pleasure of helping 13 Eureka Springs High School seniors register to vote Friday morning. If you will be 18...

Then was then

Editor, Anaheims Mickey, Minnie and Pluto have had to learn Spanish. Driverless cars, driving stoned, driving texting, man buns and women in submarines would have...

The power of compassion

I consider non-violence to be compassion in action. It doesn’t mean weakness, cowering in fear, or simply doing nothing. It is to act without...

Voting matters

Editor, Steve Womack comes quietly, speaks at ESHS. At his town halls he refuses to take questions from people of color. When he is asked...

Bikes could disturb peace

Editor, Are you aware that volunteers (some who do not even live in Eureka Springs) are in the process of accessing our historic district neighborhoods...

Proper bombing

Editor,    Ordinarily, I am opposed to any form of warfare; however, the Syrian president, educated in the U.S., uses chemicals against his own people. According...

Phantom Threats

“We’ve already lost the trade war. We don’t have a trade war. We’ve already lost.” - Donald John Trump This may be the shortest international...

Health and students’ breakfasts

Editor, Have you heard of the Breakfast in the Classroom program at Eureka Springs Elementary? In my opinion, it’s bonkers. The program, as I understand it,...

Words misrepresented

Editor, Thank you, Nicky Boyette, for reporting on my remarks to the Parks Commission in the March 28 issue. I do want to make a...