Climate justice

All people have unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Property The U.S. Constitution, the basis of our democracy, recognizes all people are created equal, endowed...

Open letter to Arkansas’ junior Senator

Dear Senator Cotton: This morning I received an email from one of my all-time favorite students requesting recommendation letters for college scholarships, a service I...

Clarifying care of one another

Editor, I appreciate Mark Eastburn’s response to my letter last week detailing additional factors that I believe prove the need for a southern border barrier....

The hills are alive with talent

Editor, The We’ve Got Talent Concert held on March 4 at the Eureka Springs Auditorium was a smashing success and played to a packed gathering...

Arkansas green future

“Control your own destiny or someone else will.” Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric Last Friday the bomb-cyclone on the Northeast coast, the second monster storm...

The threat to world peace

Donald Trump made me think about world peace. He is preparing for nuclear war against North Korea. Trump asked his generals, “Why can’t I...

Social order has crumpled

Editor, In 1775, the rifles the farmers brought with them were the weapons that created the state. That is why the government, in the 2nd Amendment,...

What will stop such things?

Editor, The shooting in Parkland instantly brought cries for “common sense gun control” and the students are ready to eviscerate the 2nd Amendment in response....

What’s the biggest worry?

Editor, The NRA owns our government, so we will never have sensible gun laws. Health insurance companies own our politicians, so we will never have universal...

Wall building response

Editor, Laura L Coker , what makes you think that the great drought, flood or other calamities won’t start here, north of the border? For what...